
Farnam Bespar company started its activity with the production name of Pars Vacuum since 1362 and has joined the group of service providers in the packaging industry by using the vacuum thermoforming system and is proud to continue as a service provider. By designing and producing plastic fruit combs that were introduced in the development of the exporters’ market, and by using the creativity of anatomy models to help in education, it played an important role and also produced plastic bags and suitcases in a similar way. The market has introduced

In 1374, with a similar approach, he designed and built the first plastic sheet production line, in 1376 the second line, in 1381 the third line, and in 1387 the fourth line, and provided more services to the automotive parts manufacturing industry. And parts of other industries have also started with the supply of products.

By using its manufacturing equipment in 2007 to produce geo synthetic products, it has taken a new step for a new activity by designing and manufacturing gripped liner sheets. The result of this activity was expanded in 2007 by increasing the production (Geo Membrane, Geogrid, Geodrain, Geocomposite) and now, by satisfying the customers with the mentioned products, it has taken the first place in the production of geosynthetic products in the country. With similar conditions, after re-entering the automobile industry in 2013, by producing the set of parts listed in the relevant list, it has been able to develop efforts in this industry as well.