Farsi Version

Arisan Door Panel Collection

The Door Trim part in an automotive is one of the main components of its interior decoration....

Arisan upper door trim

The upper door trim is a product that have been designed in very precise and complex process for Arisan pick up....

Dena rear panel trim cover

The design of the Dena rear panel trim cover is completely similar to the Samand rear headlight cover in terms of design and is made of dry and impact...

Front and rear faces of Mazda pickup with two cabins

The face piece in a car is one of the main parts of its interior decoration. The presence of quality in this piece will certainly make the car more be...

Gas cable control lever

The gas cable control lever in the car is used to convert the throttle force of the accelerator pedal to the throttle opening force in the car's cylin...

Pars trim, Persia rear light

Peugeot Pars trim part or Peugeot Pars rear lamp is a piece of EBS plastic that is used as the inner cover of Peugeot Pars trunk....

Peugeot 206 Air inlet throat

The Peugeot 206 vent pipe intermediate piece plays an essential role in conveying air, which is one of the basic elements of combustion in the engine....

Peugeot 206 radiator base

The radiator base is a widely used part of the Peugeot 206 car. This part has been designed to hold the radiator firmly in front of the engine....
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